Thursday, September 17, 2009

I "booked" a date with life..once more!

Today, I bought my first book ,other than tech books, since joining my job,19 months ago. Its special for me. Not because its on my favourite subject, but because it symbolises a rise from the ashes for me.It epitomises my recharged zeal to start living again.

I had stopped being myself .My love for books had vanished somewhere.My hobbies had gone out of the window. Professionally and personally,time had tested,dented ,demoralised me, and forced me to get aloof from my inner soul. But then Crestcom training happened. It couldn't have been better timed. If someone needed it the most,I did. Now with a soul recharged, I am consciously trying to grab myself from the downward slide ,arrest the momentum and again move upward..again be the best me.However tough I find it at the beginning now,the positive momentum would come ,surely.

Coming back to the book, titled "Out of The Box" its written by Harsha Bhogle. Not only he is India's first non playing cricketing celebrity,a successful commentator, but also a magician of words. His choice of words during commentary is simple but the way he uses them ,takes you to a beautiful world where you find for yourself a whole new perspective of the situation he is describing. If words paint a picture, he is one great painter. B.Tech in Chemical Engineering from Osmania University,Hyderabad , he went on to do his MBA from the No.1 MBA institute in India,IIM Ahmadabad.

I am more than glad to put my hands on it. Its basically an anthology of his many articles he wrote for the Indian Express about cricket and life in general. Some fresh, some dated. But the charm is the same anyways. The way he introduces his articles is amazing.

I have just read the first chapter of this book and am already 'clean bowled' by this man's superb imaginations,humour,wit, creative analogies and different perspective he looks things at.

The autograph of Sachin ,at the end of the Introduction ,written by the master blaster himself is a bonus!

Its a treasure for me. Not only its providing pleasures of reading but also adding to my knowledge of written English.

Ironically I was also given the title.."Mr. Out-of-the-Box" during my school leaving ceremony we had after we pass out of Class XII ! I was 'me' then....I want to be 'me' again,an improved one. And I am on my way.


1 comment:

  1. The Phoenix is reborn again. I was overwhelmed to see you blogging and raise from the ashes time and again. Now its time for the world to see the ocular side of yours'. Always keep this insatiable quench of erudition augmenting.

    Keep Blogging
