Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Happy Blogging!

It's not an art when you begin, but the more you come back to it and practice it turns into one. However, blogging also has its own dangers.

I did introduce you to the concept of blogging. However, it is also my duty to enlighten you on the dangers :-)

1) True there have been cases of Internet stalking, and many times we don't act wisely when online and maybe give away too much of their information to strangers or make friends with someone before knowing anything about them

2) Blogger's are into trouble for blog posts they write on their own time; namely those posts are about their jobs and co-workers. Hence, blogging about work, can get you in as much trouble as blogging from work

There is a lot more on the net for you to read. Make sure what you blog about will only add to someones knowledge and aim towards a skill or attitude development. No negative blogging please!!

I hope to read more interesting things here. Read a new book- tell us about it, saw a new movie- tell us about it (better still help us save on ticket money), been to a new destination- share your experience, met someone famous- tell us who first and the money they ear (hahahaha!!!) - blog, but blog write...

Happy blogging!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Preeti for really showing us the way.
    Many of us are first time bloggers and dont know how to go about it. Your nice and beautifully explained post was and would be really helpful for us. And thank you for sharing the pics too.
    Beautiful people beautiful pic. Nice way to start up our blooging journey.

