Thursday, September 24, 2009

Joy Of Giving!!

I know what you thinking!! Ok! So we give everyday. So why make a big deal about it??!!?? Right??

Well, I personally think it's time we made a big deal. How many of us consciously give something in a month or a year? And if we do, most of us never talk about it and hence giving is probably not a culture in us. It's time we changed that.

Now, don't get me wrong! I am not asking you to give away something big. Even a smile will do.

This Saturday and Sunday some of us plan to walk the streets of Mumbai and simply smile at anyone we make eye contact with :-)

I invite you all to join this "Chain of Smile"

Happy Giving!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


One day I came across one article which was about the success story of Chief of Infosys Mr. Narayan Murthy. After reading that article I realized that his wife Mrs. Sudha Murthy had a great contribution in his success. It then inspired me to read books written by her which made me a die heart fan of Mrs. Sudha Murthy. Many people must be aware of her famous book Wise and Otherwise.
Recently I read one of her novel named as Mahashweta....This is a story of a very beautiful, courageous girl Anupama who suffers from leukoderma, after her marriage. The person suffering from leukoderma has white patches on their body which can be cured by proper medical treatment.
But the people from small villages and from hypocritical society considers it as a curse and treats the person very badly.
Same thing happens with Anupama which changed her life completely…She didn’t get support from her in-laws and her parents, even from her husband who is himself a doctor by profession and he knew that this is curable disease…. she gets rejected by her in-laws, her step-mother, her husband and society where she used to stay before and after her marriage…..she decides to quit her life and attempts for a suicide but then she realized that her life is not for all these things and she should not waste her life in such a way….then she left her home and starts life in a new perspective….
The book states the story of her struggle. Writer has portrayed many aspects of society like village life, hypocritical society, arrange marriages, dominating mother-in-law , cursing step-mother, helping friends…..
This book has affected life of many people. Writer states her experience where she is invited for marriage of one unknown girl suffering from leukoderma. Her marriage was almost broken and then bridegroom changed his opinion after reading this book and accepts girl as wife. This is truly a inspirational story for many such Anupama in our society. The moral of the story is you can change your life if you believe in yourself.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

"I am NOT Losing This One "

Imagine, you are an young,number one ranked tennis player of India, representing your country in a Davis Cup playoff , to earn your country a chance to be eligible to compete in the top 16 World Group ,a feat which India hasn't achieved in more than a decade time. You are in the middle of a match, trailing by 2 sets and you get your service broken in the first game of your third set.( For those who don't know much about tennis,it means you are at a point where you can see your defeat written on the wall,and with that, hopes of your nation also seem to be finished). You are sliding down towards defeat and badly.

Tired,demoralised, what would you do then? Giving in wont be a wrong option in this circumstance, ...just fifteen minutes more of the play and you loose the match..your country again gets deprived of a spot among top whats the big deal, its been going on since 11 years. ..India can wait another year for that chance to even enter that World Group,let alone compete for the title ! And moreover,since you are young, nobody will blame you for the defeat..they will say,"Oh..poor guy...wasn't all his fault! He didn't have experience!"

But Somdev Devvarman,Indian tennis player, had other ideas. And it was refreshing. Two sets down ,broke on the first game of the third set, sliding down ; down but not out, he went to his team mates on the corner of the tennis court and declared, "I am not losing this one ".

He kept his word. He didn't loose, not anymore. He refused to give in. He refused to read his defeat written on the wall in bold letters.He refused to slide down further. Instead, with courage and faith, he dug deep into his reserves of mental strength ,raised his game,did the basics right and came out victorious in that match of wills. At the end, the bottom line was - He wanted this win more than his opponent did.

That's will. That's belief. Lets summon that cast iron will which lies within us. Lets have that deep belief. And we can turn the tide ,in our favour.

I have a belief that words/thoughts take us nowhere if they are not acted upon.
So lets take a leaf out of Somdev's book and act upon it and make our own fate by choosing our attitude.

"We Reap What We Sow. We are the makers of our own fate. The Wind is blowing; those vessels whose sails are unfurled catch it and move forward towards their destination.. But those whose sails are closed and furled up, don't catch it and remain where they are. Is that the fault of the wind?...We make our own destiny." ----Swami Vivekananda

Lets not leave our cast iron wills to rust, Lets use it fellas !!


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Hi All....

It is very nice to see you all here... It is a nice experience of joining a blog.. i did this for the first time..
Thanks to Anurag and Garima.. And Special thanks to Preeti M'am..
I am sure this will prove a very useful way of sharing the
knowledge and increasing it.
So guys..please keep sharing, keep in touch..


The Pinch Of Recession

Recession- a common economic term which is deeply engraved in the hearts and minds of all of us. Two years back we would have never thought about the great depression, the sub-prime crisis or the economic meltdown. But now we are bound to think about recession and its ill effects. Literally speaking recession means- a general slowdown in economic process over a long period of time but its impact is immeasurable. It is much beyond just the economic slowdown.
It is nature's law that what ever starts has to end so that there prevails a chance for a fresh beginning. Nobody think s the wildfire as a good natural process and we humans try to stop it at the earliest as it engulfs property worth millions. But as a matter of fact it is a natural process of cleaning by nature. In the Amazon basin over the years dry leaves augment thus covering the soil surface and depriving it from the much needed sunlight.These leaves act as a fodder for the inferno. when we think about wildfire we just see the cons in it but in reality it revives new life into soil. Moreover there are some wild fruits whose outer shelling is as hard as rock. These fruits burst open due to this swelter and seeds are spread across meters , which in few days germinate and make a fresh beginning of life.
Recession is nowhere different from this. The economic slowdown was necessary to rethink about our true potential. Due to recession millions lost their jobs globally. The GDP is falling . Prices are soaring up as resources are low and demand is ever increasing . the most effected industry in India due to it is the Software Industry but others are also not untouched. The 'Taken for granted' attitude has to be given up. We cannot make our economy so badly dependent on others that their downfall will cause our downturn. Our concern for our future has to be taken into our own hands. We cannot rely upon others for fulfilling our needs. In the last two years firing trend has been higher then the hiring trend. recession has given Bangalore a feather in its cap which it will not be proud upon. The coining of the term 'Bangalored' which refer to firing of Americans when their job was outsourced from America to some IT giant in Bangalore. But the term has hit back Bangalore itself the most where maximum number of IT'ians have been fired in India.
But has recession only brought ill omen with itself. Well Probably the answer is no. There are pros and cons of everything. Let us view the flip side of recession also . Due to recession the sky rocketing oil prices have become somewhat stagnant. Ahmadabad houses the maximum number of cloth mills in India. In those cloth mills many employees were fired due to lack of business and the remaining had to work indefatigably. Thus the work of three persons was done by one. Some of the employees who are from the state of Orissa took advantage of the situation and came back to their native state where they are using their skill and experience to promote and flourish their traditional textiles now. Even in IT front in India some changes have been noticed . Now employees are taking up technical and domain knowledge sessions more seriously. The knowledge thus gained can never be termed as a loss. Even at the management level some of the fired managers are at last getting the much needed time to spend some moments with their families which is otherwise always compromised because of work pressure.

This pinch of Recession was necessary to wake us up from the dreamland we were in and face the hard realities. its time for us to show the world that we are no less then others if not better.

I "booked" a date with life..once more!

Today, I bought my first book ,other than tech books, since joining my job,19 months ago. Its special for me. Not because its on my favourite subject, but because it symbolises a rise from the ashes for me.It epitomises my recharged zeal to start living again.

I had stopped being myself .My love for books had vanished somewhere.My hobbies had gone out of the window. Professionally and personally,time had tested,dented ,demoralised me, and forced me to get aloof from my inner soul. But then Crestcom training happened. It couldn't have been better timed. If someone needed it the most,I did. Now with a soul recharged, I am consciously trying to grab myself from the downward slide ,arrest the momentum and again move upward..again be the best me.However tough I find it at the beginning now,the positive momentum would come ,surely.

Coming back to the book, titled "Out of The Box" its written by Harsha Bhogle. Not only he is India's first non playing cricketing celebrity,a successful commentator, but also a magician of words. His choice of words during commentary is simple but the way he uses them ,takes you to a beautiful world where you find for yourself a whole new perspective of the situation he is describing. If words paint a picture, he is one great painter. B.Tech in Chemical Engineering from Osmania University,Hyderabad , he went on to do his MBA from the No.1 MBA institute in India,IIM Ahmadabad.

I am more than glad to put my hands on it. Its basically an anthology of his many articles he wrote for the Indian Express about cricket and life in general. Some fresh, some dated. But the charm is the same anyways. The way he introduces his articles is amazing.

I have just read the first chapter of this book and am already 'clean bowled' by this man's superb imaginations,humour,wit, creative analogies and different perspective he looks things at.

The autograph of Sachin ,at the end of the Introduction ,written by the master blaster himself is a bonus!

Its a treasure for me. Not only its providing pleasures of reading but also adding to my knowledge of written English.

Ironically I was also given the title.."Mr. Out-of-the-Box" during my school leaving ceremony we had after we pass out of Class XII ! I was 'me' then....I want to be 'me' again,an improved one. And I am on my way.


Insight to the Blogger's World

Hi everybody,
I am glad to find a medium to share views and opinion between like minded people. I am your very first Non-Wipro member. Let me introduce my-self. I am Tuheen Manna and I have been invited by Anurag to join this group. I am also a software techie like you all. Well Anurag and I have known each other since school days. I was glad to see him get involved in such activities again. Also I would specially like to thank Preeti who took such an initiative to make member's believe in there ability in expressing themselves. Blogging is not only for the high profile and top-notch but also for any individual who have the ability to express themselves. Let's take up the pledge to keep up this culture of blogging.

Keep Blogging,
Tuheen Manna

Fire and Smoke!

This is something i made on photoshop after learning it from a tutorial!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Sparkling Fishermen!!

Fisherwomen ;-)


Happy Blogging!

It's not an art when you begin, but the more you come back to it and practice it turns into one. However, blogging also has its own dangers.

I did introduce you to the concept of blogging. However, it is also my duty to enlighten you on the dangers :-)

1) True there have been cases of Internet stalking, and many times we don't act wisely when online and maybe give away too much of their information to strangers or make friends with someone before knowing anything about them

2) Blogger's are into trouble for blog posts they write on their own time; namely those posts are about their jobs and co-workers. Hence, blogging about work, can get you in as much trouble as blogging from work

There is a lot more on the net for you to read. Make sure what you blog about will only add to someones knowledge and aim towards a skill or attitude development. No negative blogging please!!

I hope to read more interesting things here. Read a new book- tell us about it, saw a new movie- tell us about it (better still help us save on ticket money), been to a new destination- share your experience, met someone famous- tell us who first and the money they ear (hahahaha!!!) - blog, but blog write...

Happy blogging!!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Hiiiiiiiiiiii all.....