Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Problems...What Problems?!

Imagine yourself being a kid going to school. What problems do you face at that age? What are your main concerns at that tender age? Homeworks,books,pencil, recess, play,exams, parents pressure, peer pressure? Arent these enough to burden a tender mind? But in addition to that , just imagine that you have 6 fingers on your one hand. What happens to you? You are isolated and probably subjected to jeers, constant teasing and stuff. And as if it was not enough, you have a stammering problem; speech impediment. You are gone.. You get merciless remarks that constantly hit your tender psyche and hurt your self esteem so much that it gets impossible for you to make up your mind to get up in the morning and go to school and face the music every hour of that day...for another day.
Somehow,time flies by. You grow up. And so does your problems. You want to be an actor, but you cant even say it clearly in one go and stammeringly blabber :"I wwwwaant to bbbee an accccto". You probably feel distressed that how can you be an actor when you cant even say it; keeping in mind that dialogue delivery to an actor is like breathing--utmost important.You cant even say a one liner,forget the lengthy ones that attract the most applause.
An actor should talk,dance and fight in a movie.As if talking wasnt a big a problem, fate has in store a deformity named scoliosis for you. You are just 21 and you cant dance,workout or over exert in any form, because scoliosis has left your spinal chord twisted in an unnatural way. And if you dare to venture, the doctor says, you are going to spend the rest of your life on a wheel chair.
Damn, what do you think at that time?--" Why me?"--"Fate is to be blamed.Am I supposed to bear all the possible troubles,of all people on earth?"
OR...do you think,"Its worth to die trying what you love to do rather than live all life regretting!"
Hrithik Roshan thought it that way. Yes, he was the subject of all these problems written above.

He lived through it. And now he is what we all know of--successful actor, among the top dancing stars, with unmatched physique-role model for many. But many are unaware of the obstacles he faced in life. I know what you are thinking. How was that mountain of the obstacles conquered?
How come he is now what he is?
The answer is simple..Unrelenting Determination. He wasnt transformed by magic in one night viz Cinderella. He wasnt touched by the miraculous "jadoo" like in one of his own movie.

He faced the problem,head on.By Practise Practise Practise, he acquired the talents he is known for.He admits of practising speaking for one hour every day ,even today. He didnt run away from his problems,which would have been easy and nobody would have blamed. But that way he would not have lived the life he wanted to. Instead he faced and triumphed over many mental and physical impediments.

History is full of examples of man surmounting mountains of obstacles and coming out triumphed. But its not there for us only to sit and admire. Its there for us to feel that if they could do it,so can we, in our own respective lives and become part of that glorious history ourselves. Why? Its not impossible.

Wouldnt it be nice friends that your friend says about you to somebody.."You know that he/she is in this/that place. He/she is now what he/she wanted to be. thats great." Your example would be given during coffee table chats, get togethers etc. But what would satisfy you most would be the fact that you are leading 'your' life now--thats what you wanted. So whats stopping us?
Problems.?...What problems!! :-)
